
Country Analysis & Refugee Situation

Kevin Ernst / @ernstki

for Dr. Rodriguez's 16FS ANTH3065 GitHub icon


Small, fiercely independent presidential (socialist) republic on Red Sea

Name comes from ancient Greek Erythra Thalassa meaning "Red Sea"

Facts (cont'd)

Total area:117,600 sq km
(≈ Pennsylvania)
Borders: Djibouti, Red Sea (1,151 km),
Ethiopia (1,033 km), Sudan
Population:5,869,869 (2016 est.)
Industry: primarily agriculture; mining

People & Culture

Home to nine recognized ethnic groups;
two majority ethnicities are Tigrinya 55%, Tigre 30%

Two predominant religions are Christianity and Islam
(roughly 50-50)

Official languages are Tigrinya and English



Many examples of Italian architecture in capital of Asmara

In the 1930s, the city grew substantially as tens of thousands of Italians moved to the region in preparation for Mussolini’s planned invasion of Ethiopia. [...] Thousands of buildings were built in various styles, including Futurist, Novocento, Rationalist, and Art Deco [...]

Economy & Daily Life

  • Mostly agrarian; most citizens do compulsory work for gov't
  • gold mining began to pick up in 2000s, but US sanctions hurt industry
  • Country is ~32% electrified; few (are allowed to) have telephones
  • Movement within the country requires special permits
  • "National service" compulsory; maintains militarized border between Eritrea/Ethiopia
  • Remittances from diaspora vital to economy

"National Service"

Military compulsory for ages 18–40

Supposedly only 18 mo. duration; escapees report it can be indefinite. Justification is defense against Ethiopia (US proxy).

  • UN report (June 2015) alleges virtual slavery, unpaid labor, sexual abuse and torture
  • majority of Eritreans flee to escape military service

Colonial Control &
Western Hegemony

Long controlled by colonial powers (Italy, GB), became an independent nation in 1993 after a 30-year war with Ethiopia.

Southern border w/ Ethiopia a continual source of conflict, including a war from 1998–2000 in which 20,000 Eritreans were killed and 1.5 million displaced

Western Aid

  • Eritrean government routinely denies UN inspectors
    • recent UN report accuses regime of numerous human rights abuses
  • Yet they steadfastly resist pressure to "democratize" in return for UN aid
  • Accuses ICCt of enforcing "selective justice"
  • Accuses Western powers of pursuing "national interests camouflaged as humanitarian protection"

Attitude toward US

Current generation proud of their fight for independence, intend to remain that way.

  • Very negative atitude toward US hegemony in Africa
  • Gov't believes US meddles in the region (Ethiopia) in order to maintain power over sea lanes
  • Believes root cause of extremism is interventionism


Government was installed after 1991 independence; Isaias Afewerki first and only president

People’s Front for Democracy and Justice (PFDJ)
is sole political party

Constitution drafted in 1997 but never implemented


Brutal Dictatorship or Triumph of Anticolonialism?

Western (UN) claims

"Africa's North Korea"

  • No participatory government
  • No real judicial system
    • (extrajudicial killings, disappearances)
  • No freedom of press (only state-run media)
  • No freedom of movement for citizens
  • Human rights abuses in prisons & national service
  • Gov't supports al-Shabaab terrorist group
  • Does not cooperate with "international community"

Eritrean Gov't Claims

  • standing strong against neo-colonialism
  • UN assessment is part of a smear campaign
  • deny allegations of widespread human rights abuses
  • outside aid cripples developing nations; don't want it
  • country is struggling, but takes much better care of its people than neighbors (evidence)
  • say they will welcome repatriated refugees with no penalties (no more "shoot on sight")


"Refugee-like situation":31,576
Asylum-seekers (pending):63,446

Eritrea ranks 4th highest in Mediterranean arrivals in 2014–2015

Refugees (cont'd)

Most refugees take the overland route through Sudan, Libya, then to Lampedusa in the Mediterranean

Refugees (cont'd)

Refugees (cont'd)

Since late 90s, nearly 5% of population has fled to neighboring countries and Europe (pop. ~6 million)

  • causes economic harm to those who stay
  • if regime's claims are true, most economic migrants
  • if UN report true, they're escaping a brutal dictatorship


In the late 90s and 2000s, Eritria was seen as prime candidate for UNHCR's 4R program (Repatriation, Reintegration, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction)

  • UN aid response to border war was prompt
  • Sudanese were friendly and helpful to displaced Eritreans
  • 35,000 immed. volunteered to be repatriated after conflict ended

Source: UNHCR

Durable Solution?

Repatriation while cooperating with Eritrean gov't to address HR issues

UNHCR current challenge is to get Eritrea gov't to allow inspectors into the country, while not beating them over the head with democritization efforts





Thanks for your kind attention.

…and here's a fluffy kitten: